Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 22 May 23 2008, Friday

NGO Speak

"Than Shwe can be very charming and friendly when he wants to be... He speaks English quite well and they try to be hospitable when you are there; but they don't like intrusiveness. They don't like you asking about things that they consider to be their internal affairs."

Former United Nations special envoy Razali Ismail, in an interview last September
Latest Development

"All" aid workers will be let in: Myanmar

Reuters news agency reports that Myanmar's Senior General Than Shwe has agreed to let in "all" aid workers, after a meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.

First group of aid workers under ASEAN head to Myanmar

The Singapore Red Cross is preparing to leave for Myanmar with S$20,000 (US$14,710) worth of medical aid. The team is the first group of aid workers allowed to enter Myanmar from ASEAN nations in an agreement reached with Myanmar's military junta in Singapore on Monday.

Ten World Food Programme helicopters carrying three tons of food and aid supplies will head for the Irawaddy Delta region.

The WFP has also secured barges with individual capacities of between 200 and 600 tons to carry aid via the water ways. Road access is starting to clear but may not be reliable with the approaching monsoon rains.

A barge carrying supplies has been loaded in Yangon and is headed to Labutta .

It is loaded with 393.75 metric tons of rice, 37 tons of Veg Oil, 5 tons of MRE and 14.5 tons of NFIs from the WFP and 24.3 mt of NFIs from Merlin.

Donate to Merlin
Donate to the WFP

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